Throughout my career as a senior copywriter and Director of Communications, I’ve had the exciting opportunity to help craft interviews for some of the top business and cultural leaders in the industry. Here are some of my favorites:

Gary Vaynerchuk - Entrepreneur & social media influencer

This interview took place at a Houston Leadership Conference on the topic of prioritizing careers that give us purpose, happiness, and the opportunity to give back.

Jay Shetty - Social media influencer & author

Jay was interviewed at a wellness conference in San Antonio, TX on the topic of prioritizing mental and emotional wellness in our modern world.

Trevor Noah - Comedian & host of the Today Show

Trevor Noah was interviewed at the Cultural Diversity & Inclusion Conference in Atlanta, GA. He spoke about race, identity, and his experiences as a bi-racial public figure in America.

Chelsea Handler - Comedian and Author

Chelsea Handler was interviewed at the Power Women’s Conference in Dallas, TX. She described her journey finding success in a male-dominated industry and how helping other women succeed is how she’s sending the elevator back down.


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